Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Salvia trip 2

Using regularly Salvia (twice a month or so), I've reached the point where I can "control" hallucinations, in low potencies I just see geometrical shapes, and with stronger ones I either have an out-of-body trip or go to another dimension and talk to higher beings. No wonder why they call it Maria Pastora.

My trip was like this:

I got out of my body and flew to a mountain, I floated between the trees, but the colors of the trees were violet and light blue. I couldn't see the top of the mountain, because it was under a dense mist, I finally arrived and a huge fairy tales castle, it was physically perfect, as if drew by a computer. In the front of it, was a big door made of wood, I crossed through it, like when crossing through air.

There were a lot of different types of beings inside with certain look of angels, wearing light or white colors, a strong and shiny white. At this point I lost the little control I had on this experience, I tried to talk to them, I know I'm talking, but I can't hear myself, so I don't know what I say, but this person starts reacting to my words, he points to one of the walls of the castle, and it becomes invisible, we're able to see outside the castle, I can see we're floating like a cloud...

Will continue

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